The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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STEP-BY-STEP Material FLOW Representation METHOD
- Data associated to a resource as entered by the
planner is as follows:
- resource number (1-9999)
- name identification (30 characters)
- planning limits
- prices or costs
- Data associated to a resource as computed by BEST-
PLAN after optimization are as follows:
- volume, production contribution
- reduce cost(shadow prices)
- total price
- internal cost
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- These data are represented in the raw solution listed
as follows:
- price = P$
- volume = VL
- lower limit = LL
- upper limit = UL
- fixed limit = FX
- reduce cost = R$
- Data-entry statements can be FREE-FORM, and may
involve multiple lines. Comments can be added
utilizing the Single-Quotes (') as the indicator.
Spaces can be used sparingly throughout the data
- A new line (carriage-return) is treated as a comma.
All price, limit and relational data statements must
terminate with the semi-colon (;).
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- Name identification may contain spaces, but may not
contain the following:
(/) slashes (,) commas
(=) equal sign (;) semi-colon
(@) at-sign (*) asterisk
(') single-quote (?) question mark
(-) minus sign (+) plus sign
(#) pound-sign TABs
- Relational data statements could either be
unconditional (FIXED FLOW) or conditional (VARIABLE
FLOW). Resources may be consumed or produced in a
process by using any of the relational data
- Additional relational data statements for special
applications are included.(i.e POOL, DISTRIBUTE, etc)
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POOL For establishing inventory levels,
warehouses and the like. The inventory
level is then treated as a resource.
APPLY For the accumulation or accruing of cost
or value during the production cycle.
i.e. handling charges.
DISTRIBUTE For distribution problems to propagate a
product to its markets. It automatically
creates the necessary activities.
- Name identification can be combined with the price,
limit and relational data statements. The special
characters equals (=) and slashes (/) can be used
interchangeably to separate the name identification
from the values as needed.
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- Data statements are entered in BLOCKS preceded by the
PROCESS date statement and terminated by another
PROCESS statement or an END statement.
- Data statements can be ordered anyway the planner
wants them. The basic idea is for the planner to
develop his own planning language using the
flexibility of the data entry media.
- The cost propagated through the network is called
INTERNAL COST. This cost accounting may be
transferred to other resources using the XFERCOST
data statements. This will allow proper
determination of product margins based on certain
accounting practices.
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